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Review of the Creality CR-10 Smart 3D Printer From a Beginner

Review of the Creality CR-10 Smart 3D Printer From a Beginner

I was a newbie in the 3D Printing scene concerned about struggling with Bed Leveling, Z Axis Adjustments, Adhesion issues and more. As the General Manager of Industrial Plastics I was able to spend a lot of time picking the brains of the expert staff we have in the Victoria Store. Initially I chose an Ender 3 V2 which after some struggles with Bed Leveling I installed a BL Touch Auto Bed Leveler and was then able to print successfully. It was my intent that I would pass on the Ender 3 V2 to my 12 year old Grandson so during his summer visit I imparted my knowledge to him and he and his Dad are now enjoying the Printer together at their house.

So now I was printerless and champing at the bit to get another printer. I knew I wanted a bigger bed on my next printer but I did not want the Bed Leveling issues I went through in the beginning with the Ender3. My staff were pushing me toward the Ender CR-10 Smart. I was keen on the top down printing of the Ender 5+ or the CR 5 Pro H, but in the end I took the advice of the staff and purchase the CR-10 Smart. Boy am I ever glad that I did. This printer lives up to its SMART designation. I have not had to use any bed adhesive, and so far no print failures. The glass surface seems to have more grip than the Ender 3 V2. The intelligent Bed Leveling works flawlessly with a push of the button. The user interface is more user friendly with directional arrows to guide you. All in all I love this printer, the print bed size is a bonus. I am glad I listened to our Expert Staff.

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