Tech Specs
Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ is a fiber reinforced "non-sag" version of original Alja-Safe™ life casting alginate. Acrobat™ is thicker and holds vertical surfaces allowing the user better control for making molds of the face, torso, etc. Acrobat™ reproduces perfect detail from all body surfaces and is good for making temporary molds that can be used to make highly detailed reproductions cast in wax, plaster, platinum cure silicone or Smooth-Cast™ 300Q ultra-fast urethane resin.
Easy To Use – Mix ratio is 1 part Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ powder sifted into 1 part water (1:1 by volume). Working time is 5 minutes and cure time is 8 minutes, assuming a water temperature of 80° F / 27° C.
Like original Alja-Safe™, Acrobat™ is skin safe and does not contain crystalline silica (a known carcinogen).
For making re-usable molds of any body part, use Body Double™ silicone rubber.
IMPORTANT: This product has not been tested and should not be used for dental applications.
Preparation - Store and use Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ in a dry environment at room temperature. Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ powder may get warm in storage/shipping during the summer months which will cause the powder/water mixture to set too fast. To remedy, store Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ in a cool area (60°F - 70°F or 15°C - 31°C) for 24 hours before using. Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ has a limited shelf life and should be used as soon as possible. Do not allow moisture to come into contact with unused Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™. Use only with adequate ventilation.
Practice: Make a mold of the back of your hand – make a mold of something small before going on to larger models. You’ll gain a lot of experience with a small test.
Applying A Release Agent – Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ will not stick to most surfaces. When making a mold of the head, a release preparation is recommended to prevent mechanical lock to the hair. Cholesterol based hair conditioner (available at most pharmacies) can be applied to hair-covered areas prior to applying Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™. It can be washed out of the hair easily after use.
Because no two applications are quite the same, a small test application to determine suitability for your project is recommended if performance of this material is in question.
Measuring – Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ is mixed 1 part water to 1 part powder by volume (1 cup + 1 cup, for example). IMPORTANT - You must pack the powder firmly into the measuring cup. You can vary the water level somewhat to change consistency of the mixture. Less water will make Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ thicker. More water will make the mixture thinner. Be careful…too much water will may result in the mixture not curing.
Water Quality – Water that has a high mineral content (calcium, phosphate, etc.) may cause any alginate to become “lumpy” or not set properly. A small-scale test is recommended prior to mixing large amounts. If water quality is in question, use distilled water heated to the correct temperature using a stove top or microwave oven if needed. Check water temperature using a thermometer.
Temperature Of The Water - At 80° F / 27° C, Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ will have a working time of 8 minutes and a demold time of 10 minutes. Warmer water will cause the material to cure faster (less working time). Colder water will give a longer working time and slower demold time. For best results, sift Alja-Safe™ powder into water and mix as directed.
Mixing – Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ can be hand mixed, but best results will be obtained using a power drill with a mixer attachment. Attach a Jiffy Mixer or Turbine Mixer to a power drill and mix for one minute (depending on volume) to a gel-like consistency – smooth without any powder lumps. Jiffy mixers are available at many hardware stores. Turbine Mixers will yield the best mix and are available from Smooth-On or your Smooth-On distributor.
Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ is designed to be applied to vertical surfaces.
For Best Results: Wet the surface of the model’s skin before applying. Apply a thin coating of Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ to the surface of the model by brushing, smoothing the material on by hand or using a plastic spatula. Keep your model still until the Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ sets up. You will know the Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ has set when it is firm and no longer gel-like.
You may want to experiment with the amount of water added to Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ to find a thicker consistency that is right for vertical surface application. For example, some customers mix 1 part water to 1.5 parts Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™.
Applying A Support Shell - Once the material cures, a support shell will be necessary to support the Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ mold. Gypsona brand medical grade plaster bandages are ideal for this purpose, and are available from Smooth-On or your Smooth-On distributor.
Casting Into The Mold - All alginate molds will deteriorate quickly. It is recommended that you cast into the mold within 4 hours following demold. Materials commonly cast into alginates include plaster, wax, clay and very fast urethane resins (such as Smooth-Cast™ 300Q). For Soft "Skin-Like" Castings – You can cast Dragon Skin™ FX Pro™ soft silicone rubber into Alja-Safe™ Acrobat™ molds to make realistic hands, limbs, etc.