Tech Specs


The Ender-6 3D printer features a stable core-xy structure that delivers fast and precise printing.


With a printing speed that is up to 3 times faster than other printers.


The printer also comes with an acrylic enclosure, which helps to maintain a stable temperature and protect your prints from dust and other contaminants.


The silent board ensures a quiet and comfortable working environment, while the glass bed provides excellent adhesion for better print quality.

In terms of size, the Ender-6's 3d printer build volume of 250mmx250mmx400mm puts it right between an Ender-5 Pro (220mmx220mmx300mm) and the CR-10 series (300mmx300mmx400mm). This should suffice for the majority of your daily print jobs.

Build Volume: 250mmx250mmx400mm (9.5"x9.5"x15.5")

-Stable Core-XY Structure

-Carborundum Glass Build Plate

-Filament Runout Detection Sensor

-Quiet Printing Capabilities

-Resume Printing Functions