Tech Specs

Product information

Comes with BPO Cream Hardener for curing.

Feather-rite® Quality Lightweight Autobody Filler.  USC's best-selling lightweight body repair filler with superb spreadability and workability.  The smooth, creamy formula is easy to apply and sand.

  • Best-selling lightweight filler
  • Ultra smooth and creamy formula
  • Virtually pinhole free
  • Tack free.  Clog free.

MIX: 2% by weight (50:1 ratio) with supplied hardener. 

SUBSTRATE: Steel. Aluminum. Fiberglass. Body Filler. Wood. 2K Primers. Aged, sanded OEM topcoats. Galvanized and other zinc-coated steel. SMC. 

SUGGESTED USE: Use for filling and repair of minor body work up to 1/4", such as dents, dings, hail damage and small holes. 

Additional Information

Feather-Rite Base SDS: Feather-RIte Cream Hardener SDS: