Tech Specs
All sheet stock is sold, quantity = square foot. Please indicate your cut to size dimensions in special order notes on the cart page after adding sqft to the cart. Max shippable sheet size is 4x3ft, for anything larger please contact us directly.
Liquid ingredients mix in glass molds to form Cast Acrylic. Casting is more labor intensive, making it more expensive. Casting yields a harder, sturdier, and more homogenous product. Casting lends greater chemical resistance over extrusion, making it the preferred material for uses involving fragrance, lotions, or other solvents. Available in a broad range of standard and custom colors for a variety of applications, cast acrylic is more pliable than extruded, less likely to bend, chip, or melt during milling. Because extruded material is limited in thickness, cast acrylic is a better option for larger structures, installations, etc.