Tech Specs
Cold Cure may be used effectively down to 35ºF in 100% relative humidity. It is an easy to use 2:1 ratio. It will not blush or turn milky in thin films and cures overnight. Cold Cure is a 100% solids, unfilled, medium modulus, low viscosity, moisture tolerant epoxy system. Cold Cure has no VOCs. It is non-shrinking, flexible and has excellent resistance to cracking, abrasion, common chemicals and fatigue. Cold Cure is clear and is compatible with most paints and clear finishes. When cured it can be machined, drilled, sanded and tapped.
Cold Cure is a corrosion resistant coating, sealer and laminating resin.Product Description:
A two part epoxy coating and laminating resin for use in marine and woodworking applications. Use as a sealer, topcoat, saturation coat or tie-coat.
• Features a convenient 2:1 mixing ratio.
• A clear, almost water-white, solvent-free epoxy system.
• Cures to a clear, glossy, blush-free surface.
Cold Cure was formulated to extend the number of months during which epoxy can be used effectively outdoors. Today Cold Cure is relied upon as an all-purpose epoxy resin system by boat builders, contractors, engineers, manufacturers, home owners and artisans.
Cold Cure is a 100% solids, unfilled, medium modulus, low viscosity, moisture tolerant epoxy system. Cold Cure has low odor and no VOC’s. It is non-shrinking, flexible and has excellent resistance to cracking, abrasion, common chemicals and fatigue. Cold Cure is clear and is compatible with most paints and clear finishes. When cured it can be machined, drilled, sanded and tapped. Cold Cure may be used effectively down to 35°F (2°C) in 100% relative humidity. It is an easy to use 2:1 ratio. It will not blush or turn milky in thin films and cures overnight.
Cold Cure is a waterproof structural adhesive, corrosion resistant coating, sealer, laminating resin and filler.
Product Uses:
Use Cold Cure as a structural adhesive for:
Bonding wood to wood, wood to concrete, steel to concrete or wood, wood to fiberglass, concrete to concrete or fiberglass.
Use Cold Cure as a corrosion resistant coating for steel and concrete
Use Cold Cure as a sealer for: concrete (garage floors or foundations), fiber-reinforced polyester (boat hulls & pultruded glass), lumber (all outdoor end grains)(compatible with pressure treated wood), see also S-1.
Use Cold Cure as a laminating resin for:
Plywood (sheathing with fiberglass cloth for boats or decks), Veneer (cold molding), Fiberglass (making composites).
Available Colors:
Amber. We offer epoxy dispersed pigments in black, white, red, yellow, blue, brown, and green so you can make your own colored epoxy.
SB-112 hardeners ship as hazardous and will incur additional charges when shipped via air. Ground shipments generally do not have additional hazard charges. We will contact you with the details of any additional charges before shipping your order.