Tech Specs

Hand & Skin Shield

is a truly unique moisturizing skin barrier cream that acts like an invisible glove. One small application will hydrate and protect your hands and skin from skin irritants for up to 4+ hours. Particular useful for protecting against fiberglassing chemicals.

Helps guard your skin against HUNDREDS of irritants that could penetrate and damage skin (solvents, alkalis, acids, oils, grease, grime, dirt, paint, dyes, stains, plant oils and more). 

Provides instant relief from dry, chapped, cracked and damaged skin. Hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested, it protects hands and skin against constant exposure to moisture and immersion in water, which causes skin irritation and damage. Ideal for anyone who works in wet environments.

Hand & Skin Shield is non-toxic, meaning it's environmentally friendly, made of all natural ingredients and is safe for all skin.

Hand & Skin Shield is non-greasy, meaning there's no petroleum jelly or paraffin wax, and because it absorbs directly into skin, there's no oily residue that could impair grip and prevent skin from naturally perspiring.

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