Tech Specs
Boron has long been recognized as an effective wood preservative, protecting wood from decay and insects. Traditional fused borate rods were formed from 100% disodium octaborate tetrahydrate and worked very well. Genics has taken this same disodium octaborate tetrahydrate and enhanced it by blending it with copper hydroxide to form what is referred to as a co-biocide. While effective separately, boron and copper work even better when used together.
Boron is very mobile in water while copper is not. Genics has combined these two opposing characteristics into a mobile and long lasting wood preservative. The boron pulls the copper along while the copper slows down the boron. Tests have shown that, even in very wet conditions the POSTGUARD remains effective for many years.
Greater Efficacy
Copper and boron have great synergy when used together. The old saying “The whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts” is a good description for the POSTGUARD treatment system.
Broader Decay Protection
Not all forms of wood decay fungi are controlled by boron. These boron resistant fungi however, are controlled by copper. This gives a broader spectrum of decay prevention.
Commitment to Quality
Genics has maintained a high quality product by refusing to use cheaper, less pure ingredients in our POSTGUARD rods. Make sure that your boron rods contain disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT) and not a less effective substitute.
The POSTGUARD rods are made to fit inside a 1/2” hole. Simply drill the treatment hole, ensuring a cross grain alignment and slide the rod in. Then seal the hole with a reusable CobraTM PLUG, caulking or wood dowel. Once installed, the moisture in the wood will activate and carry the copper-borate creating a defense against wood decay. This same hole can be used again in the future to add additional treatments